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Church History

Grace Reformed Church was organized as a congregation on July 9, 1897. It was an outgrowth of the Salisbury Mission Sunday School, which went back to 1869. In 1894, Salem Reformed Church, whose pastor was Reverend George W. Richards D.D., adopted the Sunday School and guided its transition to a church.


The site of the present church was obtained by the Ladies' Sewing Society in 1896. The excavation for the foundation was done by the men of the Sunday School with the help of many men in the community. On September 27, 1896, the cornerstone was laid. The dedication was held on May 9, 1897. There were forty-nine charter members.


The original cornerstone was in the east side of the building and in 1914, was moved to the north side when the building was remodeled. In 1951, the large stain glassed window in the Narthex was dedicated. In 1960, the educational addition was completed, and the church was again remodeled. The chapel was furnished with the furnishings from the old sanctuary.


The church has had only nine pastors in its 107 year history. The current pastor is the Reverend LaVerne W. Passman. The current membership is 576. Grace members created their own church in hundreds of work hours, day and night, by each individual worker who sacrifice their leisure to help their church.


Today Grace UCC has plenty to offer in a church. We have a very active groups. There are many interesting activities and events for all ages.

May 03, 2024


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